Tuesday, October 17, 2017

WOW- Another Judge Blocks Trumps New Travel Ban

A federal judge in Hawaii has blocked President Donald Trump's revised travel ban one day before it was set to take effect,

Judge Derrick Watson said the travel ban -- Trump's third version of the policy -- "plainly discriminates based on nationality."

This is getting ridiculous. At this point it seems apparent federal judges will attempt to block any travel blank this administration tries to put into place. 

White House press secretary Sarah Sanders called the ruling "dangerously flawed."

"The entry restrictions in the proclamation apply to countries based on their inability or unwillingness to share critical information necessary to safely vet applications, as well as a threat assessment related to terrorism, instability, and other grave national security concerns," Sanders said in a statement.
It looks as if the only chance this travel ban has in being implemented is through a Supreme Court ruling.

It is "almost certain," CNN's Senior Legal Analyst Jeffrey Toobin said, that "travel ban three will be on a rocket ride to the Supreme Court and we will get a resolution one way or another."

Trump Warns Mccain- I Fight Back

President Donald J Trump, hours after Republican Senator John Mccain gave a speech that attacked the president, warned the Arizona Republican to "be careful" because at some point he "fight back."
Mccain warned the United States against turning toward "half-baked, spurious nationalism cooked up by people who would rather find scapegoats than solve problems."
The speech was a repudiation of Trump, who the Arizona Republican has long feuded with, and the worldview that catapulted him to office.
President Trump feuding with Senator Mccain is nothing new. These two have been going after each since long before Trump was the Republican nominee. 
It seems that the Senator forgets one thing, voters back the president not him. It's remarkable the way in which these establishment type Senators put their own interests above the nations. Trump's agenda won in 2016, it's time to get on board!

Monday, October 16, 2017

Bannon Wages War on GOP Establishment

Steven Bannonexecutive chairman of Breitbart News and former White House Chief Strategist declared war on GOP establishment figures. Bannon plans to run primary challengers against all Republican Senators up for re-election in the 2018 midterms except Ted Cruz.

“There’s a coalition coming together that is going to challenge every Republican incumbent except for Ted Cruz,” Bannon said. “There’s a basic agenda that Trump ran on and won. He carried states Republicans haven’t carried in living memory — Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania. This agenda works. The American people voted for it,” he added.

Check out Bannon's full statement on Hannity here.

West Virgnia Senator Joe Manchin extremely vulnerable in 2018

West Virginia  Incumbent: Joe Manchin (D-WV)
Republicans look poised to pick off a Democratic Senate seat come 2018 in West Virginia. Trump carried West Virginia with 68% of the vote in 2016. Jim Justice, the state’s governor changed his party registration from the Democratic Party to the GOP at a Trump rally in Huntington, West Virginia back in early August.
Today I will tell you with lots of prayers and lots of thinking,” Justice said to an enthusiastic crowd of Trump supporters. “I can’t help you anymore being a Democrat governor. So tomorrow I will be changing my registration to Republican.”
West Virginia Republican Representative Evan Jenkins has announced that he will run against the senator in 2018.

To make matters worse for Manchin, he now is facing a primary challenger. Paula Swearengin, a coal miner’s daughter, and environmental activist, plans to run for the senator’s West Virginia seat in the 2018 Democratic primary election. As the Democratic base moves further left, Incumbent Senator Joe Manchin finds himself in a troubling situation.
Swearengin has the backing of Brand New Congress, a group formed by former Bernie Sanders campaign staffers and volunteers to support primary opponents against Democrats and Republicans in 2018. She also has the support of Justice Democrats, a group whose mission statement is to run “congressional campaigns that lead to a progressive and un-bought congress in 2018” and WeWillReplaceYou.org, a group that says it is “dedicated to challenging establishment Democrats unwilling to resist Trump’s agenda.”
The primary challenge highlights a central tension in the Democratic Party as it seeks to rebrand itself after its 2016 presidential election loss that had party elites scratching their heads. Manchin’s defenders argue that he’s not only an invaluable member of the party but the kind of lawmaker who can offer lessons to other Democrats hoping to win in red states.
A primary challenge against Manchin could divide Democratic voters in West Virginia, and leave the senator more vulnerable to a general election challenge, even if he prevails in the primary. If Republicans play their cards right and run a solid campaign, they have a good chance of picking up a Senate seat.

Tucker Carlson Takes on Hollywood over Weinstein

Tucker Carlson’s Thoughts: The Hollywood elite, liberal political establishment, the mainstream media and Manhattan District Attorney Cy Vance are all responsible for legitimizing and enabling Harvey Weinstein‘s alleged sexual misdeeds. They’re now lying to cover their tracks.

TUCKER CARLSON, FOX NEWS HOST: Good evening and welcome to TUCKER CARLSON TONIGHT. Disgraced Hollywood producer Harvey Weinstein is reportedly planning to flee the country for France, taking a cue from his longtime friend, director and fugitive child rapist Roman Polanski. Weinstein’s friends in the movie business and in progressive politics pretend to be stunned and aghast at all of this.
This isn’t the Harvey Weinstein we knew, they claimed an anguished interviews arranged by their publicist. We’re appalled. Right. Except, it’s exactly the Harvey Weinstein they knew, the same one that Seth McFarlane joked about at the Academy Award nominee announcements.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Congratulations. You five ladies no longer have to pretend to be attracted to Harvey Weinstein.

CARLSON: When they mock your lecturing from the stage of one of the highest rated shows on television, it’s not a secret, and indeed it wasn’t. McFarlane now says he heard about Weinstein’s harassment from one of his many victims at the time. McFarlane knew so did everyone else. They are lying about it. Who specifically is lying? Here’s a partial list.
Pretty much every a-list actor who once worked for Harvey Weinstein. Most of them are now saying how shocked they are. Please, they all knew. A couple of them called “The New York Times” in 2004 on Weinstein’s behalf to stop an expose on his sexual harassment. They didn’t know the truth then? Come on, of course they did. That’s why they killed the story.
NBC News, they had the story months ago but they didn’t run it. Ronan Farrow, a former MSNBC anchor originally did the investigation for NBC News but they refused to air it. So they took it to the New Yorker magazine which published the blockbuster yesterday. NBC News President Noah Oppenheim now says, Farrow just didn’t have it nailed down. That’s absurd.
Pharaoh had videotaped testimony from eight separate women according to the Daily Beast. Plus, the New York Police Department audiotape of Harvey Weinstein confessing. If that’s not a solid new story, nothing is. And yet NBC cravenly caved to pressure and killed the piece. They ought to be ashamed. Keep in mind, this is the same company that secretly gave the Billy Bush Access Hollywood taped to “The Washington Post” during the last campaign, almost a year ago.
They are a political shop, not a news organization. They’ve got to stop pretending otherwise. And then there’s Manhattan District Attorney Cyrus Vance, he clearly had enough evidence years ago to prosecute Harvey Weinstein for groping a model, including that videotape confession. Instead he let Weinstein go. Shortly after Harvey Weinstein’s lawyer sent Cy Vance a $10,000 donation. Coincidence? Right.
And what about Tina Brown? In the late 1990s, Brown left the New York magazine to partner with Weinstein on a magazine called Talk. Brown conceded yesterday, there were whispers about Weinstein’s behavior. She admits she saw Weinstein routinely give favorable treatment to beautiful women he was cultivating. She saw him quash negative articles about himself by leaking information about other stars.
Despite all of that Brown tells us, nobody really knew for sure. Oh, come on. I worked for Talk Magazine at the time. Trust me, Tina Brown knew. She was Weinstein’s business partner for two years and a famously perceptive person. And yet until now, she’s never mentioned any of it. It’s not like she never had the chance. For the past seven years, Tina Brown has run the Women in the World Summit which brings together socially conscious feminist like Hillary Clinton and Meryl Streep to discuss the challenges women face worldwide.
A single word from Brown in any of these conferences might have saved a lot of women, a lot of pain at the hands of Harvey Weinstein. But Tina Brown didn’t say a word, nor did Hillary Clinton nor Meryl Streep, both longtime friends of Harvey Weinstein’s. We could go on and on. Hollywood protected and legitimized Harvey Weinstein with the active help of Democratic Party luminaries like Barack and Michelle Obama. But Weinstein is not the only predator who has found a welcome home in the movie business.
In 1988, film Director Victor Salva molested a 12-year-old boy who was acting on a film he was working on. We can be sure this happened because Salva videotape to the crime. Salva was charged, convicted, and served time in prison. Then he went back to work in Hollywood. Walt Disney studios, the same company that gave you the Lion King and Frozen, hired Salva to direct the film “Powder” in 1995.
Since then, Salva has made several other movies including the “Jeepers Creepers” horror franchise. He’s also a member in good standing of the Directors Guild of America, whose top officers include a left-wing Director Jon Favreau and Ron Howard. By all accounts, nobody in the movie business judges him. And they don’t. Hollywood is corrupt. The powerful prey upon the week and nobody is held accountable. That is the lesson of the Harvey Weinstein saga.
It’s a world the police don’t touch. It’s a world that is unwilling to police itself. It’s far past time for the federal government to step in here to protect the vulnerable and there are many of them. Weinstein and his enablers intimidated “The New York Times,” NBC News, the Manhattan District Attorney. They are unlikely to be as effective with the Justice Department.
Harvey Levin is the founder of TMZ, also hosts “OBJECTIFIED” on Sundays at 8 p.m. right here on FOX. We’re proud to have him. He has of the very latest on the story and has from day one. Harvey, what is the latest?
HARVEY LEVIN, FOUNDER, TMZ: Well, the latest is pretty shocking that Harvey Weinstein’s daughter called 911 at about 11:00 this morning and reported that her dad was suicidal and depressed. And there was a major argument that went down outside of her home. Weinstein was there. They took it into the street. He was screaming at his daughter, “You are making it worse! He tried flagging down a random car to get away. Didn’t get in the car. They went back in the house.
Harvey came back out and jumped in a black Suburban before the police arrived. They came roaring over because of the 911 call. And at that point, Ramey, the daughter told police, well, it wasn’t really a suicide attempt, it was just a family dispute. So, she backed off what she had called about. But, you know, obviously, you know, this is a guy who’s a world collapsed. His wife left him. He lost his job. He’s now the subject of scorn and ridicule all over the world. So, it seems like it’s taking its toll.

Sean Hannity and Senator Sasse feud over President Trump

Sean Hannity and Senator Ben Sasse (R-NE) have gone back and forth over President Trump‘s criticism of news outlets and his recent tweets suggesting television news outlets’ licenses be evaluated and possibly revoked.
Hannity’s comeback to Sasse’s criticism was remarkably funny.
“Call me when you repeal ObamaCare loser.”
Hannity also stated:  “one the biggest mistakes” I ever made was supporting the conservative lawmaker.
This was in response to Sasse suggesting he supports the Constitution and Hannity does not.
Hannity continued the tweets, defending Trump’s criticism of “fake news” and hitting Sasse for not doing more in Congress.

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Kelly "I'm not quitting"

White House Chief of Staff Gen John Kelly made an unexpected appearance at Thursday’s White House press briefing to assure reporters that he is “not quitting” and is “not frustrated” with his job — in an apparent swipe at rampant media reports.
“I’m not quitting today. I don’t think I’m being fired today. I am not so frustrated in this job that I am thinking of leaving,” Kelly told reporters, adding he is “not frustrated.” “I will tell you this is the hardest job I’ve ever had.”
Kelly added that “Unless things change, I’m not quitting. I’m not getting fired and I don’t think I’ll fire anyone tomorrow.”
Mr. Kelly took questions from the press on a variety of issues but repeatedly took issue with media reports on the internal tensions in the administration, even as he repeatedly joked and sparred with the White House press corps.

“My only frustration, with all respect to people in the room, is to come to work and read about things I allegedly said or Mr. Trump allegedly said and it’s just not true,” Kelly said, echoing the president’s “fake news” mantra. “And I mean no disrespect to you all.”
Kelly further stated:
“I was not brought to this job to control anything but the flow of information to our president,” Kelly said, noting that he thinks the president is a “decisive guy” and a “very thoughtful man.”

“I restrict no one from going to see him,” Kelly said. “I was not sent in or brought in to control him and you should not measure my effectiveness as chief of staff on what you think I should be doing.”
Kelly also stated that one of President Donald Trump’s biggest frustrations is with the media, suggesting that reporters should “develop some better sources.”
“As I said when I first started talking, again, I am a reasonable guy, but when I read … watch TV in the morning, it is astounding to me about how much is misreported. I will give you the benefit of the doubt that you are operating off of contacts, leaks, whatever you call them, but I would just offer to you the advice, I would say, maybe develop some better sources. Some person that works way down inside an office, well, develop some better sources.”